Friday, December 21, 2012

Daily Paintings

The topmost daily painting from the last post, Half Moon Cay, tied for first place in a monthly contest held at the EAFA, (formerly Eastside Assoc. of Fine Arts, now to be called Evergreen Assoc.) meetings. About 8-12 works are brought in each month and the meeting attendees vote on their favorites, so it's kind of a quality and popularity contest. Always nice to get honors, however small. 

Here are a few more daily paintings. I did a larger version, 12x16 of the Half Moon Cay painting before the meeting mentioned above as I thought it was a nice work, deserving of more work. 

Below are:
San Juan Harbor, 5x7. The harbor was too windy, as seen in the water and misty atmosphere, for the cruise ship to dock, so this is as close as I came to San Juan.
The square picture is 7x7 and is from a park in Arizona.
The flower filled field, 5x7, is from a visit to California.
The last work, also 5x7, is Washington's mountains and forests. 

As you can see, this was a geographical variety week. 

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